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Picture album
Entertaining Living Rm & Alcove sleep Kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances |
Dining room Modern Design |
Bedroom 1 with 1 King or 2 Twin Beds Bedroom 2 with 1 King or 2 Twin Beds |
Modern Bathroom Design Entertaining Outside Patio with BBQ Gril |
Patio by Pool Area with seating & BBQ Gr Oprah Suite by Pool Area & Garden |
Living room / Convertible 2nd Bedroom Bedroom 2 or Living room with 2 Designer |
Dining Table Kitchen in Modern Design |
Kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances Bedroom 1 with 1 King or 2win Beds |
Bathroom Shower & Travertine throughout |
Designer Bathroom with dual sinks Floor plan Oprah Suite |
Tropical Pool and Courtyard Tropical Pool Area |
Relaxing Contemporary Sunbeds Complimentary PC Work Station |