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Picture album
Spacious Full Size Kitchen with Eat in B Spacious Living Room or Extra Bedroom se |
Entertaining Contemporary Living Room Living Room towards quiet Courtyard |
Bedroom Nr 1 with 2 King or 4 Twin Beds Bedroom Nr 2 with 1 King or 2 Twin Beds |
Bedroom Nr 3 with 1 king or 2 twin beds Spacious Bathroom with Bathtub |
Floor plan Casa Grande |
Casa Grande Entry Casa Grande Building Exterior |
Located at Famous Restaurant District Famous Espanola Way |
Espanola Way Hosteria Romana Italian Restaurant |
Espanola Way Yoga on the Beach |
Fitness on the Beach Located on Ocean Drive |
Located only a few blocks to Lincoln Roa Lincoln Road Segafredo |
Ocean Drive a South Beach Landmark Ocean Drive's Lummis-Park is closeby |