Location map
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Picture album
Metropolitan Deluxe 3 Room Suite Room with Sofas & 70 Inch Plasma TV |
Bedroom 1 with 2 King or 4 Twins Bedroom 1 with 2 King or 4 Twins |
Partial Ocean & CityView Bedroom 2 with 1 King or 2 Twins |
Bedroom 2 with 1 King or 2 Twins Bedroom 2 with 1 King or 2 Twins |
Bedroom 2 with 1 King or 2 Twins Bedroom 3 with 1 King or 2 Twins |
29 Bathroom with 2 Entrances Floor plan Metropolitan Suite |
Beach at the Shelborne with private loun Oceanfront Accommodation - South Beach |
Perfect Location in South Beach - on the Walk to Everything - Oceanfront on Colli |
2 Blocks to Lincoln Rd with Popular Rest Surrounded by Luxury Hot Spots |
Only 3 Blocks to Ocean Drive SHELBORNE a newly Remodeled South Beach |
Lounge Area by Pool Junior Olympic Size Pool |
Art Deco Landmark Beach Resort w Pool, Jacuzzi, Multiple R |