Location map
The map shows you the position of the property in relation to the surrounding area. To view the actual location of the property use the tools on the map to zoom in and then you can switch to the satellite mode to see the actual property.
Picture album
front of home/pool area. one of three bedrooms. |
view of surrounding countryside. looking over the wall into the garden. |
picture 1 of scenery/views of village picture 2 of scenery/views of village |
picture 3 of scenery/views of village picture 4 of scenery/views of village |
picture 5 of scenery/views of village picture 6 of scenery/views of village |
picture 7 of scenery/views of village picture 8 of scenery/views of village |
picture 9 of sevlievo 5 miles away picture 10 of sevlievo 5 miles away |
picture 11 of sevlievo 5miles away picture 12 of sevlievo 5 miles away |
time to enjoy the pool picture 13 of local visitor attraction |
picture 14 of local visitor attraction nearby dam/waterway |
our day on the nearby dam/waterway another view from our garden |
fishing at the dam/waterway nearby dam/waterway |