Location map
The map shows you the position of the property in relation to the surrounding area. To view the actual location of the property use the tools on the map to zoom in and then you can switch to the satellite mode to see the actual property.
Picture album
Our gorgeous pool and its fabulous view Dusk. Take a peek inside your villa ! |
Our pool is bordered by olive groves Stunning location. Stunning scenery |
Somewhere comfy to lie back and relax Our nearest beach. Not exactly crowded ! |
We're surrounded by beautiful scenery Just put yourself in the picture... |
Famous and mysterious medieval fountain Where you'll be staying ! |
Crecchio Castle - nearby historic site King-size bed for a great night's sleep |
Party time ! Join in the fun ! Fix a snack or a feast in your kitchen |
Red roses blooming in our garden Majestic mountain scenery views |
Pacentro's medieval 'twin towers' Dizzying view from Roccascalegna Castle |
A day at the beach. Pick an umbrella ! Fancy a day skiing ? It's an hour away |
View from your villa down to pool Abruzzo's famous for its great wines ! |
Light fantastic at a local fair Cheers ! We're all ready for you ! |