Location map
The map shows you the position of the property in relation to the surrounding area. To view the actual location of the property use the tools on the map to zoom in and then you can switch to the satellite mode to see the actual property.
Picture album
Villa on feature plot Pool & Llanai |
Master suite with King Tempur bed One of the Disney themed twin bedrooms |
Upstairs Disney twin Full media centre, computer & Wi Fi |
Upstairs Queen bedoom Ground floor Queen |
Master en-suite One of two full bath/shower rooms |
Dining room & second leather suite Kitchen with all mod cons |
Family room Hallway with hardwood flooring |
Breakfast nook 50inch TV in Famiy room |
Washer & dryer Full size Pool & Air hockey tables |
Bowling game Pool safety fence is removable if req |
Deck with table & chairs for all 'Please' can I go in mum? |
Gas BBQ Private pool and Spa |