Location map
The map shows you the position of the property in relation to the surrounding area. To view the actual location of the property use the tools on the map to zoom in and then you can switch to the satellite mode to see the actual property.
Picture album
Pereta... a little piece of paradise Characteristic and spacious living area |
Main bedroom with four poster bed Entrance to house in ancient castle area |
Second bedroom with twin beds Spiral staircase leading to mezzanine |
Pool table on relaxing mezzanine Argentario coast only 20 minutes drive |
Sat at restaurant in Porto Santo Stefano Pereta's church bell tower |
Entrance to Pereta village Pereta's characteristic ancient church |
cobbled alleyway in Pereta bathroom with jacuzzi bath |
Street in Pereta Pereta's little park |
Pereta on the hillside On the road in Tuscany |
Tuscan sun set Olive groves |
My favorite beach... Cala Violino |