Location map
The map shows you the position of the property in relation to the surrounding area. To view the actual location of the property use the tools on the map to zoom in and then you can switch to the satellite mode to see the actual property.
Picture album
Fantastic heated Private Pool and Spa Pool deck extension all day sunshine |
Large open living and dining room New King size bed in master 1 |
Why not hire a dream car? Master 2 with new Queen size bed |
Outside of pool extension Rock out in the music room twin bedroom |
Surfs up in the board room twim bedroom Relax |
Dine in or take in the view Breakfast table overlooking the pool |
Large corner plot and that car again! Master 1 en-suite with shower |
Master 2 en-suite with bath/shower 3rd bathroom with bath/shower |
Master 1 also has a walk in closet New King size bed in Master 1 |
Spa/Jacuzzi is fabulous BBQ Grill with free gas |
Sun on the pool deck all day Early morning sun on the decking |
Relax in comfort Breakfast table and kitchen |