Treat yourself to a rare vacation at Yellow Crown Villa, where tropical breezes blow almost all the time.
Summary Location - Yellow Crown Villa - Bonaire - Netherlands Antilles Caribbean - Bonaire Home Type - Villa Sleeps up to - 8 Number of Bedrooms - 4 Single Beds - 4 Double Beds - 2 Bathrooms - 4 Toilets - 5 Swimming Pool - Private
Location - Yellow Crown Villa - Bonaire - Netherlands Antilles Caribbean - Bonaire Home Type - Villa Sleeps up to - 8 Number of Bedrooms - 4 Single Beds - 4 Double Beds - 2 Bathrooms - 4 Toilets - 5 Swimming Pool - Private
Booking deposit - 50%
Telephone - + (599) 7177160 Advertised since: 1 January 2007